L'Institut d'études avancées de Paris
The Paris Institute for Advanced Study is an independent research center in the humanities and social sciences aiming at fostering collective intelligence through interdisciplinary research and the experimentation of new formats of intersectoral collaborations. It invites high-level international researchers for fellowships in residence in Paris, organizes scientific events, and sets up spaces for reflection and exchange involving academics, citizens, political decision-makers and businesses.
Fondation 2100
The Fondation 2100, under the aegis of the Fondation CNRS, aims to promote the long-term foresight of human societies. It extends the work begun nearly forty years ago under the direction of Thierry Gaudin by the Centre de Prospective et d'Évaluation of the French Ministry for Research and then by the Prospective 2100 NGO. Today, it fosters foresight efforts through a PhD thesis prize awarded with a circle of academics, a competition on positive futures in partnership with the Paris Institute for Advanced Study, and an international project on global foresight (updating the 2100, Narrative of the Next Century report, published in 1990).
With the support of
Agence Nationale pour l'Amélioration des Conditions de Travail
The Agence nationale pour l'amélioration des conditions de travail (Anact) is a public administrative body set up in 1973 and governed by the French Labour Code. Based in Lyon, it is placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Labour and administered by the State and the social partners. Anact's mission is to improve working conditions, in particular by taking action on work organisation and work relations. Drawing on the lessons learned from the pilot projects it conducts with companies, it designs and disseminates methods and tools for employees, their representatives and management, as well as for all those involved in supporting them, with the shared aim of reconciling quality of life at work and performance over the long term.
Institut National de Recherche et de Sécurité
Created in 1947, INRS is an association under the law of 1901. It is managed by a joint Board of Directors made up of representatives of employers' and employees' organisations. As a generalist occupational health and safety organisation, INRS works in conjunction with other institutions involved in occupational risk prevention. It offers tools and services to companies and the 18 million employees covered by the general social security system.